Grace was born premature at 34 weeks and initially required some intensive care support just for a few days. When I went into her room to introduce myself to her for the shift ahead, her soul was close to her body, and she was keen to communicate.
“Welcome to the world, Grace,” I said, explaining to her that she had been born. “Thank you for coming. You’re here in the nursery for a bit so that we can keep an eye on you. Your Mum and Dad will be here soon.”
“Yes,” said Grace. “I know. I planned it this way. I remember.”
Chances are, that if you’re reading this blog, you’re connected to your soul – or you can sense it in some way. Perhaps your own soul remembers its soul contracts and reasons for coming, or perhaps it’s nudging you to remember.
Many of today’s babies, in my experience, are being born with this knowing intact. They are forgetting less and remembering more from the moment they are born. They are carrying this awareness across the birth portal.
But, most of us grown-ups “forgot” who were really were, and where we came from, as we crossed the birth portal to the Earth. For many souls, this transition is jarring and so experiencing a degree of “amnesia” lessens the blow for us.
But this is changing, and I’ve seen a definite shift over recent years. When I first started connecting with babies, more than 90% of them had forgotten what happened. They didn’t realise they were a soul having a human experience. They had forgotten that they’d planned to come to Earth. They had forgotten that they’d been born. But recently, many more are remembering – they do not forget. While there is no doubt in my mind that this will serve their growth and their purpose for their life, some babies are finding it harder to adjust and to adapt to the Earth because they have maintained such a high degree of wisdom and sensitivity.
Sometimes forgetting is easier. Yes, it is confusing and even frightening for some babies when they land here – like landing in a foreign country without a map (or, well, Google!) while nursing a hangover. But the transition can be even more intense when they arrive remembering where they came from, remembering their decision to come, and remembering why they decided to come. This knowing adds a whole other level of sensitivity while adjusting to a new environment.
But today’s babies are not coming for the smooth sail and a free ride.
Today’s babies are coming to create much needed change.
They are here to sever, or at least disrupt, Earth’s trajectory.
Today’s babies are needed for tomorrow’s future.