They gather, Waiting, Bright, eager flames All lined up Ready to incarnate Ready to continue their soul's growth Ready to experience and to learn. This is how it feels to me - that anticipatory time when baby souls are getting ready to come into a body. I see them as red, orange and white flames, all nestled together, side-by-side, waiting. Waiting for their family, waiting for the timing of it all, the master plan, the plan that is bigger than what the mind, the soul and the body can articulate. Waiting for the show to begin... The beginning is near, close enough to be felt. Babies preparing to step into the world and to step up within it. For some it is temporary, for others, a lifetime. For others still, it's somewhere in between. Gifted with a human experience. The contract of a soul, Ready to be executed And bought to life, In the truest sense of the word... From the spirit baby realm... To human infant. A body brand new
Accompanied by their timeless soul
Growing through change
Remembering who they truly are.
This is the journey of the soul from spirit to earth. A transition that is near impossible to understand from our human perspective. There is so much mystery, so much unknown that it can feel too “big” to even contemplate.
Yet, ALL of us have been there.
ALL of us have been through this portal.
ALL of us have made the choice.
ALL of us are here.
And now,
They enter...