There are many different ways to communicate, and one thing I have learned is that "mind" communication is not the same as "soul" communication. This is especially true for babies because they hold an incredibly high vibration, whether they’re in spirit or they're already here on the Earth. We cannot think our way to babies. The deeper we can connect to our own soul, which sits in our heart space, the easier we can openly connect with babies, and well, anyone for that matter! When working as a nurse in the NICU, it was very rare that I'd connect with a baby’s soul when I was really busy or caught up in the technological side of the job. For example, when a baby’s ventilator was alarming loudly, and I was trying to troubleshoot it and find out why, then my energy and my focus was on trying to make the thing stop squawking and hopefully stop it from squawking again.
But, to do so, I needed to retrieve practical, clinical information from my mind, rather than from my heart space. Breathing into my heart space may have helped me to manage the stress, but it sure wasn’t going to troubleshoot the noise coming from that ventilator. In this situation, "mind time" is necessary, as it is for many aspects of our very human life, but if we spend too much time here, we can mute our own soul connection in the process. Often, the mind and the soul are on different frequencies, like two different radio stations. So, you can't tune into one and expect to hear the other—the frequencies are too different. And when it comes to baby souls, we need to find their frequency, their radio station. If we shift our focus and our energy, and I believe we all can, we can do this. Baby souls can also adjust their energy (to a degree) to meet us. This mutual shift allows us to meet somewhere in the middle and tune into a mutual frequency. Imagine you’re standing next to a baby’s cot. You’re gazing adoringly at the tiny, sleeping human inside it. You suddenly find yourself in awe at the miracle of life that has birthed into this strange, new world.
It's here, in this space of wonder and stillness, that the portal of an attuned radio station connects effortlessly. And it's here that baby soul communication begins to flow. Close your eyes. Wait. Listen. Feel. And allow your soul to see everything that this baby has to share.