Have you noticed how some babies stare straight through you, with their little xray-vision eyeballs boring right through to your bones?! You feel like you can’t hide from their stare, like you’re under their microscope. They often have an air of wisdom about them, a knowing...like a wise, old man or woman...
I call these babies the "old souls". These are the souls who have been coming back to Earth for eons. They know the drill. They know how Earth works, even though they need to re-learn the Earthly ways in their different body and family – but their soul still remembers.
But, in the last five years or so, there has been a "new" wave of babies arriving on the Earth. These are souls who either haven’t been to Earth before, or it’s been a very long time since the last visit (often hundreds of years). These babies have spent time in “other places” and “other systems,” perhaps other realms, planets, galaxies and star systems.
(This requires some brain stretching, huh?!).
These babies are very different to the old human souls. It’s like their brains are wired differently and they think differently. They’re out-of-the-box thinkers. They have different ways of seeing and viewing the world. They are very wise, just like the old human souls, yet their wisdom is “different”. They are more "spiritually wise" and less "human wise" (whereas the old human souls are often more familiar with the human side of being). They are incredible communicators, but in their own ways. They are acutely aware of the world around them, so much so, that they can become easily overwhelmed by their environment. Many of them are exquisitely intuitive and sensitive from birth.
Our Earth is on the cusp of major change right now. The old is falling away, and new life, new ways, are beginning.
And, this "new wave" of old souls are the ones who will show us the way...